Jumat, 25 September 2015

Amharic Last Names (From Fathers)

Abal Servant To The King
Abdella Muslim
Abdellahi Muslim
Abdi My Servant
Abdikarim Slave Of God
Abdimelech Servant To Kings Name of an Ethiopian eunuch
who lived in ancient Rome
Abebe He Has Flowered, Flourished, Grown or Blooming
Like A Flower Amharic
Abel A Breath Amharic
Abenet Example Amharic
Abera He Shines Amharic
Abimelech Servant To The King Biblical of an Ethiopian eunuch
Abeselome ~
Father Is Peace
Abey ~ Abiy Fathers Joy Amharic
Abimelech Servant To The King
Adamu ~ Adam Man Of The Red Earth Biblical/Amharic
Adane He Saves Amharic
Addis New Amharic
Adisu ~ Addisu New One Amharic
Adinew Save Him Amharic
Admassu His Horizon Amharic
Adugna Wealth or World Oromo
Afewerek ~
One Who Speaks Only Of Pleasant Things or
Golden Mouth Amharic
Afeworki One Who Speaks Only Of Pleasant Things Tigrian
Ahemed Muslim
Ahungena Just Now Amharic
Aklilu Crown Amharic
Alazar God Is My Help Amharic/Biblical
Alemayehu I Saw The World Amharic
Alem World Amharic
Alem Neh You Are The World Amharic
Alemu His World Amharic
Alengae Wolitigna
Ali Muslim
Amde Work Golden Column
Amsalu His Image Amharic
Aman Peace or He Is Looking Good Amharic
Amanuel ~
God Is With Us
Amare He Looks Good or He Is Good Looking Amharic/Tigrian
Amensisa Oromigna
Amha Gift Ge’es
AmhaSelassie Gift Of The Trinity
Amir Strong Muslim/Biblical
Amsalu His Image Amharic
Andenet Being One or Together Amharic
Anom Ge’es
Anwar Bright Muslim
Araya Tigrigna/Biblical
Armah Ethiopian Emperor Amharic/Ge’es
Aron Exalted Biblical
Ashenafi Winner Amharic
Asamenew He Made Him Believe Amharic
Ashenafi Winner Amharic
Asmerom Tigrigna
Asnake Become Better Than Others Amharic
Asrat Amharic
Assefa He Has Increased Our Family By Coming Into This
World Amharic
Atikem Whose Are You Amharic/Oromigna
Atatafi One Who Writes Chronicals or One Who Assists
In Write Ups
Ayele He Has Increased His Power Amharic
Azikiwe Full Of Vigour
Azim Muslim
Azmera Harvest Amharic
Bahta Tigrigna
Barnabas Son Of Prophecy Amharic/Biblical
Basliel Amharic
Baslios Ethiopian King Amharic
Bayissa Oromigna
Bayou Amharic
Bazin If I am Sad or When I am Sad Amharic
Befikadu Through His Will
Beheilu Strength or Power
Beca ~ Beka He Who Knows God Oromigna
Bekele He Has Grown or He Has Come Into Being Amharic
Bekila Oromigna
Belachew Tell Them or Let Them Know Amharic
Belaye On Top Amharic
Belayneh You Are On Top Amharic
Belendia Say It Out Loud or Do It Right Amharic
Benti Oromigna
Benyam ~ Biniyam Benjamin or Son Of My Right Hand Biblical/Amharic
Bereket Blessings Amharic
Berehanu ~ His Light Amharic
Berhane My Light Amharic
Beryihun ~ Berihun Let Him Be Our Gate or Our Guidance Amharic/Tigrinya
Berta Be Strong or Be Vigilant or Persevere Amharic
Beselot Gained Through Prayer Amharic
Bezuayehu ~
I Have Seen A Lot
Bessufekad ~ Besu
With His Permission
BetreMussie Amharic/Ge’es
Bibi Amharic
Biru You Are Birr Ethiopian Currency
Biruh Bright
Bogale Glowing or Getting Brighter
Bona Oromigna
Boru Oromigna
Brehan Light
Brehane My Light
Brehanu His Light Amharic
Brook ~ Bruck Blessed Amharic
Bruch ~ Bruk Blessed Amharic
Bullo Oromigna
Caleb The Devoted One Biblical/Amharic/Tigrian
Cherenebereck You Were Generous (Telling God He Was Generous
To Give This Child) Amharic
Chernebereck You Were Generous (Telling God He Was Generous
To Give This Child) Amharic
Dagim Again
Dagmawi Again or Second Time Amharic
Daniachew ~
Be Their Judge or You Be The Judge
Daniel God Is My Judge Amharic/Biblical
Darge Amharic
Dawit David or Beloved Amharic/Biblical
Debebe Amharic
Degife Oromigna
Degu The kind one
Dejen Foundation or Pillar Amharic
Dejene Support or Back Up or Protecter
Demeke Getting Brighter
Demissie ~
Dereje He Has Evolved Amharic
Dessalegne I am Happy Amharic
Desta Joy or Happiness
Dibaba Oromigna
Dula King Oromigna
Duri Muslim
Eba Oromigna
Ebenezer God Has Helped Us Till Now Biblical
Edris Muslim
Eezkias Hezekiah or God Is My Strength Amharic/Biblical
Ejigu Grandiose Amharic
Eleazar God Helped Amharic/Biblical
Elias Elijah and The Lord Is God Amharic/Biblical
Elshaday Almighty God Biblical
Emanuel God Is With Us Biblical
Emerta First Step Towards Something Big or A Clue To
Something Good
Endale As He Said Amharic
Ephram ~ Ephrame Ephraim or Fruitful Amharic/Biblical
Ephrem Ephraim or Fruitful Amharic/Biblical
Ermias Jeremiah or God Will Uplift Amharic/Biblical
Eskinder Defender Of Man Kind Amharic
Essayas Gods Helper Amharic/Biblical
Etefu Double or Twice Amharic
Eyasu Joshua or Ruler Of Ethiopia Amharic/Biblical
Eyoab Joab Biblical
Eyoel God Prevails
Eyob Job or Persecuted Amharic/Biblical
Ezana Ethiopian King Amharic/Tigrian
Ezera ~ Ezra ~
The Helper
Ezkeiel Intellect Amharic/Biblical
Fassil Ethiopian King Amharic
Fassilidas King Of Ethiopia Amharic
Fasika Easter Amharic
Fekadu His Permission Amharic
FekareYessus Ethiopian Christian Name Ge’es
Feleke It Sprang Amharic
Frayzer ~ Frezer Fireseed or Fertile
Frew Seed Amharic
F’Romsa Friend
Fsiha Happiness
Fikre My Love or Love Amharic
FikreYessus Ethiopian Christian Name Ge’es
Finhas ~ Fineas Ethiopian King Amharic
Fisseha Amharic
Fitsum ~ F’tsum Absolute Amharic
Gabra ~ Gebre An Offering Amharic/Tigrinya
Gabriel God Is My Strength Amharic/Biblical
Gad One Of The 12 Tribes Of God Amharic
Galawdeyos Ethiopian King Amharic/Ge’es
Gebriael ~ Gebreel God Is My Strength Amharic/Biblical
Gedarm ~ Gedam Monstery The Place Where Catholic or Orthodox
Monks Live
Gedeyon ~ Gedeon Destroyer Amharic/Biblical
Germame Amharic
Gersem Ethiopian Emperor Amharic/Ge’es
Getachew Their Master or Leader Amharic
Getahun Let You Be Lord Amharic
Getasew Lord Man Amharic
Geteye My Master Amharic
Ghidewon Amharic
Gidada Oromigna
Girma Majesty or Grace Amharic
Girum Wonderful
Gizaw Amharic
Goliad ~Goliath Revealing Amharic/Biblical
Gorfu Flood Amharic
Goytom ~ Goitom Tigrian
Gukssa ~ Guggsa Amharic
Gulema Child Of Mine Oromo
Habibi Beloved Muslim
Habtamu Rich or Wealthy Person Amharic
Hagos Joy or Happiness Amharic/Tigrian
Hakim Doctor or Medicine Man Amharic
Haile My Power Amharic
Hailu - (Ha-yi-loo) His Power or The Power Amharic
Hassan First Born Muslim
Henoke ~ Henoch Enoch or Experienced or Consecrated Amharic/Biblical
Hezekiah King Of Ethiopia Amharic/Biblical
Iskinder Defender of Mankind Amharic
Israel ~ Isreal Ruling With The Lord Amharic/Biblical
Issa The Messiah Muslim
Iyasu Joshua or Ruler Of Ethiopia Amharic/Biblical
Iyoas Amharic/Biblical
Jember Sunset
Joas Amharic/Biblical
Joshua Ruler Of Ethiopia Amharic/Biblical
Kabede Heavy & Strong
Kaleb ~ Kale’Ab Caleb or The Devoted One Biblical/Amharic/Tigrian
Kaleyesus The Word Of Jesus
Kassa Compensation Amharic
Kayin Long Awaited Child
Kebede Getting Heavy
Kelile My Protector Amharic
Ketema City or Town
Keya Oromigna
Kifle My Share Amharic
Kidane My Covenant
Kinde Strong Like An Arm Amharic
Kile Cain or Son Of Adam Amharic/Biblical
Lake Getting Better
LeAlem Amharic/Ge’es
Lebna Heart or Soul Amharic
Lema He Has Developed or Cultivated
Lemma Growing Better Amharic
Lemuel Devoted To God Amharic/Biblical
Leul ~ Li’ol ~ Leuel Prince Amharic Amharic
LeuelSeged The Prince Who Took A Bow Amharic
Lewie Levi or United Amharic/Biblical
Liben Ethiopian King Amharic/Ge’es
Lire Joy or Happiness
Mamo Little Boy Amharic
Markos Mark Amharic/Biblical
Maren Spare Us Amharic
Masresha The One Who Helped Us To Forget Amharic
Mateos Mathew or Gift From God Amharic/Biblical
Matias Mathew or Gift From God Amharic/Biblical
Meba Gift Ge’es
MebaSelassie Gift Of The Trinity
Mebrete ~
My Light
Medr Earth or Fertility
Meherka Astonished or Impressed Ge’es
Mekbib Amharic
Mekdem First Amharic
Mekonnen Nobel Amharic
Mekuria Proud Of
Melech Servant To Kings Name of an Ethiopian eunuch
who lived in ancient Rome
Melesse He Has Returned Amharic
Melaku The Angel Amharic
Meles Tigrigna
Melesse He Has Returned or He Has Returned Something Amharic/Tigrinya
Melkamu Better
Melku My Image
Menas Ethiopian King Amharic/Ge’es
Menasse ~
Forgetful Amharic/Biblical
Mengesha Kingdom Amharic
Mengistu You Are The Government
Menielk ~ Menelik Son Of A Wise Man or What Will He Send also
Queen of Sheba & King Solomon’s Son Amharic
Menkir Amharic
Mesay Look Alike Amharic
Mesfin Duke Amharic
Meseret Base
Mignote My Desire Amharic
Mihret Mercy or Pardon
Mike Michael or Like The Lord Amharic/Biblical
Mikias Elias Amharic/Biblical
Mirtus He Who Has Been Chosen Tigriain
Mitiku His Replacement Amharic
Moges Grace Amharic
Motuma He Is The Government
Mulu Whole Amharic
Mulugeta He Is All Lord Amharic
Mulualem ~ Mulu
Whole World
Mulu Ken Whole Day or Good Day Amharic
Mussie ~ Muse Moses or Saved From The Water Amharic/Biblical
Nahom ~ Nahome An Old Testament Prophet or Compassionate Amharic/Biblical
Nahum An Old Testament Prophet or Compassionate Amharic/Biblical
Naoed ~ Naod Ethiopian King Amharic
Nataye Come And Be Seen Amharic
Natnael Nathaniel or Gift From God Amharic/Biblical
Nebiat Amharic
Nebiyou Amharic
Nega Day Break
Negash He Is Bound To Be King or He Is Next In Line For
The Throne Amharic/Tigrinya
Negasi He Will Become Royalty or He Will Be Crowned Amharic/Tigrinya
Negasso Oromigna
Negus King or Emperor Amharic
Nerayo Tigrigna
Neway Wealth Of Spirit Ge’es
Noab Ethiopian King or Pleasant Amharic/Ge’es
Noel Christmas French
Nohe Noah or Rest Amharic/Biblical
Paulos Paul Amharic/Biblical
Rada He Shall Help
Rediat Gift From God Amharic
Retta He Has Triumphed or He Has Won Amharic
Robel Amharic
Roni My Joy Biblical
Ruphael ~ Ruphal ~
God Has Healed Amharic/Biblical
Samson Of The Sun or Bright Sun Amharic/Biblical
Samuel Asked Or Prayed For Amharic/Biblical
S’bhat Praise The Lord
Seife Amharic
Selam Peace
Selassie ~
Senay Gift From Above Ge’es
Sentayhu What Have I Been Through or What Have I Seen
Set ~ Seth The Appointed One Amharic/Biblical
Shale Clemency
Shawel Amharic
Simon The Listener or Obedient Amharic/Biblical
Sirak Amharic/Biblical
Sisay Omen Of Good Things or A Blessing
Sitotaw Gift Amharic
Solomon ~ Selemon Peaceful Amharic/Biblical
Susenyos Ethiopian Emperor Amharic
Susnios Ethiopian King Amharic
Tabor Amharic
Tadesse Rejuvenate or Renew Amharic
Tadeioes Courageous Amharic/Biblical
Tamru You Are Miraculous or Miraculous One
Tamrat Miracle Amharic
Tarik History Amharic
Tariku His Story or His History or He Has A Story To
Tell Amharic
Taye Has Seen or He Has Been Seen Amharic
Teferi One Who Is Feared By His Rivals or One Who Is
Ferocious Amharic/Tigrinya
Tegene My Protector Amharic
Teka He Has Replaced Amharic
Tekle My Plant or I Gave My Seed To Him Amharic/Tigrinya
Teklile Brehane Crown Of Light Ge’es
Temesgen Thank God or Be Thankful Amharic
Teodros ~
King Of Ethiopia
Teodros ~ Gift Of God Amharic/Greek
Teoflyos King Of Ethiopia Amharic/Ge’es
Tesfa Hope Amharic/Tigrian
Tesfahun Be My Hope
Tesfaye My Hope Amharic
Teshale Becomes Better
Teshome He Got Promoted Amharic
Tessema He Has Been Heard or People Listen To Him Amharic
Tewfeeq Success Muslim
Tewodros Gift Of God and Theodore Amharic/Greek
Tewolde Birth Amharic/Tigrian
Theofeleios Loved By God Ge’es /Biblical
Thomas ~ Tomas Twin Amharic/Biblical
Tilahun Be A Shadow or Guard Amharic
Tiruneh ~ Tirunih You Are Great or You Are Good Amharic
Tolla Kindness Oromo
Trefe ~ Terrfe He Is Spared Amharic
Tsega Grace or Wealth or God’s Grace or Gift From God
Tsegaye My Grace Amharic
Wagaye My Price
Wakeyo Devine Oromigna
Wasie My Bail
Wedu You Are Expensive
Wendimu His Brother
Workneh ~
You Are Gold
Wubishet Young/Tender & Gorgeous
Yaaseen Muslim
Yacobe ~ Yaekob Jacob Amharic/Biblical
Yaee Oromigna
Yafet ~ Yaphet Amharic/Ge’es
Yared Sent From Heaven and Jared Amharic
YeAbesera Works Of God Amharic
YekunoAmlak Let Him Be Good To God Amharic
Yerga Let It Rest Amharic
Yessuf God Increases Muslim
Yieshak Isaac Amharic/Biblical
Yilema Let It Bloom Amharic
Yilma Amharic
Yihun Let Him Be or Let It Be Amharic
Yitbarek ~ Let Him Be Blessed Amharic
Yisake Issac or Laughter Amharic/Biblical
Yoel Joel or God Is Willing Amharic/Biblical
Yohans ~ Yohannes John Amharic/Biblical
Yonas ~ Yona Johan or Dove Amharic/Biblical
Yonatan God Has Given Amharic/Biblical
Yonathan Johnathan Amharic/Biblical
Yosef Joseph or God Is Perfect Amharic/Biblical
Zalelew May The New Child Grow To Be Powerful &
Zecharias ~
Zachary and God Will Remember or Remembering
God Biblical/Amharic/Ge’es
Zecaharias Zachary and God Will Remember or Remembering
God Biblical/Amharic/Ge’es
Zeki ~ Zakiey Pure Muslim
Zelalem Forever or Eternal Amharic
Zema Melody
Zere The Seed Of or The Descendent Of
ZereYacob Family Of Jacob Amharic
Zeru The Descendants Of One Individual or Lineage
Zewedu Crown Amharic

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